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Buick GL8 ES Firstland 7 seats
2021-12-25 21:57 Click:times上一篇:没有了 |下一篇:Buick GL8 25S Land Business Class 7 seats
colour:白色 seat:7seat Daily rent:900RMB
Hongqiao Airport:450RMB Pudong Airport:500RMB
Super kilometer price:8Yuan/km Super hour price:80Yuan/hour
The details are subject to the actual product, and the pictures are for reference only!
Car rental model:Buick GL8 ES Firstland 7 seats
Rental: 900 yuan (RMB)
Basic fee: 8 hours 80 kilometers
chao hours: 80 RMB / hour
ultra-kilometer: 8yuan / km
costs include: driver wages + petrol + insurance
extra cost: the bridge tolls parking fees + ultra-hour ultra-kilometer costs
Notes :
1.Basic daily driver working time is 8 hours.
2.Rental includes:petrol(for 80km/day),driver wage,whole set of vehicle insurance,rental tax invoice,road construction tax.
3.Surcharge for the hirer:parking(if any),toll(if leave/enter Shanghai),driver OT/excess km(if any).
4.Driver's basic working time is 8 hours/day,5 days/week.
Driver working time table is flexible and can be adjusted or customized by the Hirer.OT can be calculated on a monthly base.Please fully discuss with us about your request.